Tuesday, February 28

A Little At A Time

That's what I keep telling myself about this project.  It's just a little beaded tapestry, but it seems to be taking forever.  I'm hoping to get a little bit more finished up on this one this week, but I also want to finish painting my studio. 

I guess getting my studio back to working order is the most important thing right now.  I have a huge mess and it's really impeding on me working on any projects right now.  But the good news is I have finished one wall and will be priming the "wood" paneling this week.  Then I can put my glass stuff back and start working on the other half of the room.  Then all my beads will be organized and put away.  And best of all, I'll actually have work space.  Right now it's a large pile full of a little bit of everything.  I'm hoping to have pictures of my studio in the next week or so.

But until then I'll continue to work on this project; slowly but surely.  Who knows maybe I'll even finish it up before the summer show schedule starts.    ☺

Sorry for the blurry picture.  I guess I wasn't as steady as I thought this morning.  Guess I needed a little bit more tea in me before I started snapping pictures.    

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