Tuesday, January 21

New Mixed Media Project

I'm having a bunch of fun working on mixed media projects.  I love making jewelry, but the freedom that the mixed media pieces bring, is awesome.  And it's great because it has expanded my client base.  People that are not that into jewelry, but still love my stuff, can purchase some beady goodness for their house.  

Well for some reason, I decided I wanted to go big.  I mean real big.  Bigger then anything I've ever done before.  This project will be 2 feet by 4 feet when finished.  That's big.  But it's going to be a mixed media of our solar system, so big is good.

Here is the canvas with all the planets kinda mapped out.  This gave me a good idea of size for the planets and an estimated location.  

So this past week I started doing the actual beadwork.  Here is the beginning of the sun.  I'm having so much fun creating this project.  I cannot wait to get some of these bad boys done and on the canvas.  Granted, I do need to paint the canvas first.  That might not be able to happen until spring because I don't have room for a 2x4 foot canvas anywhere.  So I'll work on a few of the planets and then in the spring get the canvas painted.  

So that's the beginning of this project.  Check back, I'll be sharing the progress pictures every week or you can check out my Facebook page for updates.  


I hope everyone had a good weekend.  We enjoyed the nice weather, well nice for the Midwest in January (it was 38°).  We went out and did some snowboarding.  It was my third time out.  I miss my skis, but I'm slowly learning.  Maybe by next year I'll be able to move off the beginner hills and move onto an actual hill.  :-) 

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