Tuesday, January 28

Solar System Progress and some Instagram

It is cold, cold, cold here again.  Is it spring yet?  Can I move to a tropical island?  Oh how I would love to live somewhere warm and on the ocean.  That's my dream.  But I'm not going anywhere for a while, so I guess I'll just have to remind myself of why I love Wisconsin (beer and cheese help).

So instead of dwelling on the weather let's talk about some beady goodness.  

I'm making some nice progress on my solar system project.  It's only day four, but I'v got a lot done on the sun.  I'm so excited for this project, but I know it's going to be a long time before I finish.  That's okay.  It will be fun to watch it all come together.  

I'm working on a large bead project with a UW art student.  I just started, but I think it's going to be a fun project.  The only thing is, my bead design software has decided not to work.  Isn't that how it works, you need something and it takes a crap on you.  I have tried everything to fix it.  I've worked with customer service for two days and then worked for almost three hours on a remote diagnostic session and nothing.  So for now I have to use the old version until they figure out the problem.  It sucks because I spent a lot of money on life time upgrades and now I can't even use the newest version.  But, the tech support has been amazing, dealing with me and my problems.  They have tried everything and I'm very happy with how much they have been helping me.  Hopefully it will work out.  

Before I go, I wanted to let everyone know that I started using Instagram.  I figured all the kids are doing it, I might as be cool too.


Check out my photos.  You can see cute pictures of my animals and progress shots of all my projects.  I'd love it if you follow me.  

Well I'm off, I have so much more beady goodness tonight as well as dinner to make.  Keep warm everyone.  

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