Tuesday, March 10

Weekend Review

Well this is a day late, but that's okay.  It was a busy weekend and I needed to get caught up with a lot of stuff yesterday.  :-)

Like I said, it was a busy weekend over at Casa de Three Fates.  I got a lot of things moved into my new studio and unpacked a lot of boxes.  It's so exciting.  It's slowly becoming a studio.  I just have to put up my shelves, build a bead container holder, and figure out what I'm doing with my lampworking things.  The rest is pretty much done.  I should have some new photos this week or next week. 

Getting my new studio in shape was fun, but I guess I wanted more.  Saturday night J and I went out for a friends birthday.  We had a nice dinner and drinks after.  I got a parking ticket, the first one of my life.  But, things like this happen and we had fun, so I guess I can't complain too much.

Then on Sunday, J's parents stop by for a short visit.  We haven't seen them since Christmas, so it was nice.  We grilled out.  It was the first grill of the season, with many more to come.  I made steak, salmon, asaragus, and portabellas.  So, pretty much a meal of all my favorite things.

Because there was so much going on this weekend, I didn't get a lot of time to bead.  I did make some time and I finished up all the beadwork on my latest custom order.  Now I just need to add the pyramids and finish off the leather and it will be done.  Woot, woot.  

I do love this pattern.  This is the third one he's had make in this pattern and I have one more to make him.  I'm pretty happy with how they look when finished.  I love the colors of this one and I can't wait to see it finished.  My goal is to have it finished by the end of the week.  Let's see if I can do that.

What did everyone else do over the weekend?  Is the weather starting to look spring like where you are or are you one of the lucky one's where it's always beautiful?  

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